"The news out of India is beyond scary - I keep sending prayers out for you and your family," a friend from Michigan wrote, while another from New York had this to say, "I want to make sure you are healthy. The news here is all about how dire it is in India!" From Omaha, "Hope your family is safe and sound. We are praying India has a quick recovery."
Friday, April 30, 2021
Of Gods, Curries, and Que sera sera...
Friday, April 23, 2021
Learning to 'Serve'
"For the Seva (service) hour, you are assigned to the kitchen department to chop vegetables," Sasikumar, the chief co-ordinator at Bodhi Zendo smilingly informed me. I nodded my head in polite acceptance, even though my being shirked at the idea. "What? Chop veggies?" Reluctantly, my steps moved towards the kitchen, towards the clattering of pots and pans interspersed with the rhythmic sounds of knives hitting the cutting boards.
Monday, April 19, 2021
The Power of 'Now'
This morning I went up to the terrace to offer my salutations to the rising sun... Aum, I chanted under my breath, smudging the vision of the big orange circular ball of fire, so beguilingly calm in its delivery of a new day, to the quasi asleep humanity. As my eyes closed in reverence, a loud flapping of a big bird's wings urged them open. And lo and behold, sharing the space with me, witnessing the birth, was a young peacock. The peacock, sun and I, forming a perfect triangle of silent energy, were woven together in a moment of reciprocative camaraderie. A divine geometry held us captive so we could be liberated from the notions of time and space. "This is it," I told myself. "This moment of infinite joy for me to cherish...what was, was...what will be, will be...but this I can live now, and seize".
Thursday, April 8, 2021
Zen and Matters of Love
Doksan in Zen Buddhism is an integral part of training, encouraging an abstract dialogue about the various aspects of life between the disciple and the teacher. Sometimes, the discussions might be directly related to a lesson, while at others they might revolve around issues troubling the disciple. Such conversations are meant to bring clarity vis-a-vis a particular topic or serve as a guiding light for the seeker. Sometimes, the aim of Doksan is to help the individual to objectively see the inconsequentiality of prolonging the past, and help him/her to move from the is-ness of what has already happened, to the is-ness of now.
And Ryokan wrote to Teishin:
for countless days and years
silent as the bright moon
we watched together"
Sunday, April 4, 2021
Meditations on Buddha
The following is the first in a series of articles I plan to pen on a recent one-week visit to Bodhi Zendo, a Zen monastery, nestled in Palani Hills, Kodaikanal, South India. Through these short write ups I hope to share the deep impression the place left on my son Dhani and myself.
Dong! The beater strikes the bowl... setting the chakra in the centre of the forehead in motion. A wave of ultramarine blue washes over the being...