Monday, April 19, 2021

The Power of 'Now'

This morning I went up to the terrace to offer my salutations to the rising sun... Aum, I chanted under my breath, smudging the vision of the big orange circular ball of fire, so beguilingly calm in its delivery of a new day, to the quasi asleep humanity. As  my eyes closed in reverence, a loud flapping of a big bird's wings urged them open. And lo and behold, sharing the space with me, witnessing the birth,  was a young peacock. The peacock, sun and I, forming a perfect triangle of silent energy, were woven together in a moment of reciprocative camaraderie. A divine geometry held us captive so we could be liberated from the notions of time and space. "This is it," I told myself. "This moment of infinite joy for me to cherish...what was, was...what will be, will be...but this I can live now, and seize".

A kingfisher atop a bamboo, trailing my thoughts, let out a long trilling whistle.


  1. So sweet and living -- this moment of Joy, -Nature-Cosmos-Human- melting as if into One exuberant Prayer

  2. Would love to experience it, nicely written Seema 👌👌
