Saturday, May 15, 2021

And Another Day Dance

With the two-week lockdown imposed by the state government to curb the rising cases of Covid-19, once again we find ourselves face to face with ourselves and the wall...the wall could very well be a screen of one's smartphone or of the laptop, or it could simply be that chiaroscuroed space scaled by the vagrant shadows in varied degrees...

I try to stay within the confines of the house, cook a lot, plan much, execute little, and let the ruthless titanic might of Chronos snatch away my hours mercilessly. But, come six o' clock in the evening, and my feet haul me up to the terrace to indulge in an hour of leisurely walk, while feasting upon the changing vistas of a sprawling sky. Almost invariably, a colony of crows and a couple of Brahminy kites land up staging a short play. The plot is always the same, the manoeuvres different. The Brahminy kites, by the virtue of being the birds of prey, are perceived as the usual suspect of homicide, or should we say 'corvicide' by a  skeptical  group of crows, who chase them around, pecking them furiously, in an effort to steer them away from the fledglings in the nest. Now, call it the paranoia of parenthood or sheer collective hooliganism, we will never know. But guys, I have to give it to the kites for maintaining their calm all through this exercise and letting the crows  have the last word.  But, I wonder who has the last laugh...I'd like to believe it's me, the sole witness of this daily drama. 

Two days ago however I was treated to a very unexpected finale. The chasing game had reached its usual dénouement with the victorious  crows emptying  the sky in a hurry to return to their loved ones. The Bahaminy kites too had conducted a rigorous inspection of their territory, patrolling the area a few times. But instead of diving homeward, the pair soared higher and higher, catching the thermals... above the gold of the setting sun to the blue quivering heights they glided , and what followed was a visual poetry flung across the sky. 

Suffused in the golden
mist of the late evening,
there they were
threading their way
across the deepening 
blue of a dying day.
One pursuing the other,
at the acme of
swallowing heights
away from the
hurried world of men,
gyrating, gliding, 
sidling and sliding,
sensuous in their
twilight courting, 
they danced to the
melancholy of a 
lonesome sky...
to the inner music
of a love unspoken,
to the gentle calling
of the rising vesper...

They danced until
the sudden onrush 
of the tropical night
drew them apart, 
One disappearing 
into the comfort of 
a coconut grove 
the other cruising on
to follow the sound
of the crashing waves.
Natural in their
and accepting
in their separation
these Brahminy kites
eternised an instance
of the fallen hour,
bringing home to me  
my own yearnings
and my own 


  1. Hi Seema, your observations of the nature, the birds and your talent to relate to them in your poetry is beautiful as ever. I miss walking in the colonie park, colonie center and of course chatting overa cuppa in Professor Java's. Miss you my friend.

    1. I miss you too Anita, and those days...yet I am glad that they continue to live as 'ours' in the memory.

  2. Oh my! What wonderful observations, how you delight us with them, entertain & regale us! So beautiful is the daily rigour of kite versus crow, and then the finale, a poetic brush sweeping across the skies 💞

  3. Thanks Kay! Your own comment is no less poetic!
